Ra’anana Park and the Jujube Tree Reserve
Ra’anana Park is a lot more than just a neighborhood park. This large expanse of green is recognized as one of the best parks in Israel. With its multitude of different activities there is little chance your kids will get bored here as. So, plan for at least half a day. Adults without kids will also find this park a delight with its green lawns, lake and fountain, scattered statutes and hundreds of fruit and ornamental trees. While in Ra’anana, consider also a visit to the Jujube Tree Reserve.
Walk in the Ra'anana Park
Time: About an hour without engaging in any of the activities.
Distance: It is 2-Km walk around the park.
Type of walk: Circular.
Directions and parking: Enter “Ra’anana Park” into Waze and click on either “Derech HaPark, Ra’anana” for the Lake Parking Lot or “Yerushalaim Road for the Lake Parking Lot. The former has blue and white parking. However, across the road is a free parking lot. There is a barrier in the middle of the road, so you will need to go the short distance to the next traffic circle to turn around.
Public transport: Enter “Ra’anana Park” into Moovit and click on “Derech HaPark” or “Yerushalaim Road.”
Admission: There is no admission fee. The paths are asphalt covered and suitable for strollers and a wheelchair. The park is open from 8.30 a.m. to late evening (about 10.30 p.m.). The park phone number is 09 771 3275.

The Garden of Scents and Sounds overlooks the lake
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There are two main entrances into the park, but from the entrance by the Lake Parking Lot you will first come to a kosher milk restaurant, the Manderin Café. It has indoor seating and outdoor seating that overlooks the lake. It is closed on Shabbat. By the café is an art gallery with high-class paintings that can be purchased. The paintings are changed every few weeks.
“Swan Lake” has a fountain and ducks. In season there are boat rides and kayaks and gondolas. There is a charge for this. There is also a charge for the train that drives around the park. You pay the train driver (22 NIS above the age of 1).
The Garden of Scents and Sounds has plants with smells and objects for children to create music. The Wild Flower Garden can be pretty, especially in the spring, and many of the flowers are labelled. There are plenty of picnic benches on the far side of the lake, many of them shaded. Also, a kiosk, Kiosko. Nearby is a large children’s play area with a rink for roller blading.
They have a small zoo with a hundred or so different animals. There is no charge for Ra’anana non-residents with an ID, but otherwise 25 NIS. It is open from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. in the summer and winter, and in the winter 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. and summer 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. A small section of the zoo is visible at all times without paying.
Park Haverim is an enclosed park with shaded play equipment designed for children with disabilities in mind. In this area is an attractive-looking labyrinth. Basketball and soccer courts are also available.

The labyrinth.

Gan Haverim has play equipment with disabled children in mind, although anyone can play in the garden.

A small part of the zoo can be viewed from outside the zoo, which is otherwise only open at certain times and for an admission fee for non-Ra'anana residents. This is an emu.
The Jujube Tree Reserve
The Jujube Tree Reserve is a small reserve, actually no bigger than 4 building lots, in the north of Ra’anana that contains a 200-year-old jejube tree. It is surmised that the jejube tree was brought to Ra’anana from Africa by a bird that released the seed in its poop.
The tree looks as if it has no trunk, but in fact the trunk is underground and what you are seeing are its shoots. There are about 40 species of wildflowers in the grounds, including anemones, lupines, hyacinths, and tulips. Many were planted originally from seed, although not in flower beds but in the wild. Many of the flowers are typically seen between January to March after the rain. Thirty trees have also been planted that grow in Israel. Many of the trees are labelled, but in Hebrew.
There is a story to this little park which began in 1976. The jujube tree was due to be demolished to construct buildings, and the local residents gathered together to save it. After ascertaining the health of the tree, the city eventually agreed to save it in a small park and not build any of the houses.
Directions and parking: Enter into Waze “עץ השיזף“ and click on “שמורת הטבה עץ השיזף.” Parking is in the street. There is also a small parking lot on the other side of the block.
The jujube tree is a thorny tree that can go grow to considerable height over the years. Two varieties of jejube tree are found in Israel – a southern variety that comes from tropical Sudan and a northern variety from Europe. The southern variety is sometimes called Christ’s Thorny Jejube, as its branches are thought to have been used as the wreath of thorns placed by the Romans around Jesus’ head when he was led to crucifixion. It is usually found in warm valleys and oases, and is usually an evergreen. Its fruit is edible and the tree was cultivated in times past as a fruit tree. Extracts from the plant are thought to have medicinal properties.