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Discover north from Tel Aviv – the best family activities, hikes and historic sites
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Coastal and central Israel north of Tel Aviv
CLICK on the sites below for more information
Ra'anana Pqrk and Jujube Tree Reserve (both in Ra'anana)
Utopia Orchid Park in Kibbutz Bahan (just outside Natanya)
Bet Hagdudim or the Jewish Legion Museum (in northern Natanya)
Ilanot Arboretum (close to Natanya)
Taninim Stream Nature Reserve (north of Caesarea)
The delightful town of Zichron Ya'akov (including the First Aliya Museum, Nili Museum and Carmel Winery)
The beautiful formal gardens of Ramat Hanadiv (near Zichron Yaakov)
Hiking and swimming at Dor HaBonim National Reserve (north of Zichron Yaakov)
Nahal Me'arot Nature Reserve, prehistoric man and hikes (north of Zichron Yaakov)
The artists' village of Ein Hod (north of Ziochron Yaakov)
Atlit Immigration Detention Center (north of Zichron Yaakov)
En Afek Nature Reserve (between Haifa and Acco)
Visitors Center in The Enchanted Garden and introduction to Acre (Acco)
​The Tunisian Synagogue (Ohr Torah) in Acre (Acco)
Beit Lohamei HaGetaot (Ghetto Fighters' House Museum) (a few km north of Acco)
Tel Ofek and Mekorot HaYarkon parks in Yarkon National Park (close to Rosh Ha'ayin)
Beautiful coastal scenery at Tel Dor National Park and HaMisgaga Museum (between Caesarea and Haifa)
Alexander Stream National Park and its turtles (near the coast between Natanya and Caesarea)
Poleg Stream Nature Reserve (in Natanya)
From Ein Hod parking lot along the Shvil Yisrael to Nahal Oran in the Mount Carmel Mountain Range
Two family hikes at Ramat HaNadiv (near Zichron Yaakov)

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