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Beit Lohamei Ha-Getaot (Ghetto Fighters' House Museum)

The Ghetto Fighters' House Museum was founded in Kibbutz Lohamei HaGetaot in 1949, the same year as the placing of the cornerstone of the kibbutz, which was established by holocaust survivors from Poland and Lithuania. Some had been involved in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and in partisan movements. Together with the Chamber of the Holocaust on Mount Zion it was the first holocaust museum in the world and the first to be founded by Holocaust survivors. The museum is a testimony to the spiritual triumph and ability of holocaust survivors to rebuild their lives in Israel. The aims of the museum are to commemorate Jewish resistance such as the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, to provide holocaust education, and to preserve survivor testimonies.

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Directions: Enter “Ghetto Fighters House Museum” into Waze. The entrance to the museum’s parking lot is on the same road as the entrance to the kibbutz, but just before its gates to its right.

Admission: The museum is open Sunday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is closed on Friday and Saturday. Visitors are provided with earphones. Group tours can be arranged. There are cafes and restaurants in the kibbutz close to the museum, but check on their opening hours. The contact number for the museum is 04 995-8080.  This is their website


On floor -2 of the building is the Concentration and Extermination Camps exhibition, on floor -1 The "Yizkor" Hall, in the Entrance Floor The Jews of Holland During the Holocaust, on floor 1 Jewish Warsaw, A Story of the Human Spirit, The Warsaw Ghetto Fights Back, Home of Testimony and Itzhak Katzenelson, and on floor 2 Facing the Glass Booth - The Trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem, which includes the original booth in which Adolf Eichmann sat during his trial. There is a nice view from the rooftop observatory.  


Adjoining the main museum is the Yad Layeled Children’s Memorial Museum, which was established n 1995 to commemorate the memory of the 1.5 million Jewish children who perished during the Holocaust. The aim of the children’s museum is to acquaint young visitors with the world of the children who lived during the Holocaust. It presents their lives through letters, drawings and stories, and there is an exhibit on Dr. Yanush Korczak, a doctor, author and educator who devoted his life to children


You will also notice an aqueduct by the museum. This was constructed by Al-Jazzar in 1780 to bring fresh water to Acco, and was operational until 1948.

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Of the 140,000 Jews in Holland, 107,000 were deported to concentration camps. They had no idea to where they were going.

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Model of the concentration camp at Treblinka

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The story of the Warsaw Ghetto and the uprising is illustrated.


A killing pit in Eastern Europe


The original booth in which Adolf Eichmann sat during his trial in the Eichman exhibit

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